Newcastle Chess Festival Events

Newcastle Chess Festival

There are 2 public events on Tuesday 13 February that everyone is invited to:

1) Grandmaster Simultaneous Display, with Northumberland’s very own GM Danny Gormally.

Tuesday February 13, 11am-1pm, at the Cafe in Newcastle City Library.

This very nice venue is now confirmed, thanks particularly to Newcastle City Library for hosting this fantastic event!

Participation is open to everyone, so why not come along and play against the reigning English Rapidplay Champion?

To play is free, but donations of £5 are welcome, with all proceeds going to help with the Northumbria Chess Masters, which starts the very next day, Wed 14 February, at The Chillingham Arms:


2) Grandmaster Coaching: An Evening with Russian GM Alexander Raetsky.

Tuesday February 13, 7pm-10pm, Forest Hall Ex-Servicemen’s Institute, 26 Crescent Way North, Forest Hall NE12 9AR.

Open to players of all ages and abilities. Cost: £10 per person (£7 for Under 18s, Senior Citizens, students, unwaged.)
Improve your game with highly experienced Russian Grandmaster, FIDE Trainer and chess author Alexander Raetsky.

To book your place in the GM Simul and GM Coaching, please contact Tim Wall at:

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0750 372 2366

Please note: These events are not organized by the NJCA

Grandmaster Training and Last Chance Saloon

Please note: The Grandmaster Training part of this event is organised by Forest Hall Chess Club not the NJCA

Dear all,

This year’s Last Chance Saloon for the Delancey UK Chess Challenge will be held on Saturday 13th May at Forest Hall Ex-Servicemen’s Institute, and hosted by Forest Hall Chess Club.

Entry fees of £8 per player can be submitted in the usual way, via this website.

The Last Chance Saloon is for Under 11s only, as all children 11 years and older can enter the MegaFinal on May 20 directly without pre-qualification.

The Last Chance Saloon will take place from 2pm to 6pm, and consist of 7 rounds. The exact format will be determined based on the numbers of entries on the day.

As part of the day’s activities, Forest Hall Chess Club is also hosting a combined Grandmaster Training session for junior and adult players, led by three experienced coaches: Grandmaster Daniel Gormally, myself and Mike Smith. The theme will be: “How to Calculate Tactics”

This will run from 11:30am to 1:30pm, and will be open to chess players of all ages and abilities. Cost is £10 per player.

Entries for the Grandmaster Training are being taken by Mike Smith:

By email: [email protected]
By telephone: 07717 718 761

I look forward to seeing a good turnout for both the Last Chance Saloon and Grandmaster Training.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Wall
Northumbria Coordinator
Delancey UK Chess Challenge
Tel: 0750 372 2366

The 2017 Tyneside Easter Chess Congress

Please note: This event is organised by Forest Hall Chess Club not the NJCA

Dear chess friends,

It’s that time – you’ve done your opening preparation, played blitz on the internet, and even thought (briefly) about finally opening that endgame book!

But still you feel the lure of the chessboard, and perhaps a certain yen for hand-to-hand combat in over-the-board tournament chess. Don’t worry – the answer is at hand! You can enter the inaugural Tyneside Easter Congress, coming up at Forest Hall Chess Club on 14-16 April.

Just follow this link to enter online:

and you can download the entry form here:

The organizers (myself, Brian Towers and Paul Charlton) are raring to go with the fastest computer pairing system in the West, and we’d love to see you there.

So go on, give it a go – it’s your move!
Tim Wall